Hildi vom Flooded Timber
Color: Braun
DOB: May 27th, 2019
Form/Hair: 9/10
Height/Length: 59 cm / 60 cm
VJP: Covid Emergency Tracking Test: 3
HZP: 174
HD Rating: HD-A
OCD Frei: Yes
Hildi has developed in to a powerful game finding bitch at a relatively young age. She is a very animated dog with very sweet and stable disposition. She was a treat to prepare for the VDD breed tests (VJP and HZP) because her natural abilities were so complete and well rounded. In the fall of 2020, Hildi consistently demonstrated a very powerful, thorough, and far reaching field search which earned her a more permanent position at my kennel. I hunt vast and wild places, and dogs who do not do exceptional field work are placed with hunters with different expectations; Hildi is not one of those dogs. Her coat is 100% serviceable; her big beard is the only element that collects debris.
She is a product of two accomplished and compelling Drahthaars:
Aika IV v. Bockenhagen and Choco v. Flooded Timber