Cheyenne von Makoshika

Color: Schwarzschimmel
DOB: 21/05/2019
Form/Hair: 10/9
Height/Length: 60/61
VJP: Covid Emergency Tracking: 4 and marked sight loud
HZP: 189; 3rd place in 2020 JGV-USA Oberlander
HD Rating: HD-A
OCD Frei: Yes
Cheyenne is the type of dog that gives me a surge of excitement every single time I take her out of the box. She has an explosive, objective based field search. Her movement if very flowing and fluid; that combined with her intense desire to produce game, dead or alive, makes her a kennel favorite. The dog is very cooperative; despite her ground eating field search, she prefers hunting "with" the handler. Her tracking and nose work excels; she recovered her first arrowed whitetailed deer in the dark of the night at just 5 and 1/2 months old that was otherwise left for lost by the archer! Despite the power she delivers to my hunting team, she is very easy to live with as she is quiet in the crate, kennel, and inside our house and hunting lodge. Mentally she is tough; one example of this was portrayed on a late season bird hunt in North Dakota in 2020. In the very far side of a section of fallow field, she engaged in a porcupine which resulted in a face full of quills. At the time, my extraction tools were not available in the field which meant a one mile journey back to the truck where field trauma medicine could be practiced. During that one mile back to the truck, Cheyenne located two mature rooster pheasants, pointed, and held them for the gun; the dog refuses to quit under any circumstances!
She is a product of two accomplished and compelling Drahthaars:

Cedar vom Brandherd and Falk vom windigen Punkt