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Driscoll von Makoshika

Driscoll Pointing in Fallow Field.jpg
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Driscoll von Makoshika Ahnentafel.jpg
Driscoll Natural Stack.jpg
Driscoll with Pheasant at 6 months old.j



Driscoll von Makoshika

Color: Brsch

DOB: April 15, 2020

ZB #: 243439

Form/Hair: 10/10


VJP: 70 points (Handled by Jim Polk)

HZP: 191 o.sp Armbruster


HD Rating: HD-A

OCD Frei: Yes



Driscoll is the most complete and well balanced drahthaar I have ever owned.  She posses superior nose work, track, pointing, cooperation, prey drive, off switch, fluid movement, mental stability, calmness, hard coat, intelligence, dark pigment, tight feet, nearly perfect topline, natural desire to search water, field, and forest, and trainability.  Her hair was rated a 10 at the 2021 VDD-GNA International Armbruster which is in the "very good category", however I would argue that it could use a bit more density to approach perfection.  Her litter mates possess the same balance and excellence on all fronts, which makes it very very easy to position the future of my breeding program around her. 


When you analyze performance scores while trying to gain a better understanding about a dog, kennel, or genetic line, it is very important to read between the lines as well as read the lines.  Something that makes Driscoll's superior performance of 191 at the Armbruster particularly impressive is the time I spent with her conditioning and training........or lack there of.  The 2021 summer to prepare her was filled with life challenges and events.  It began with the birth of our third child in April, our E and F litters (19 puppies in total) arriving in May, continued with my wife becoming ill with mastitis for the month of June, her becoming severely ill with West Nile Virus in the month of July, and our whole family (5 of us) suffering from Covid in the month of August.  All the while I was forging ahead on the construction of a state of the art 40 x 40 out building in a period of record high material and labor prices!!  I also met the demands of my full time professional career and kept all the other breed certified dogs at my kennel happy and healthy!  To say that Driscoll lacked the exposure and training she deserves would be a huge understatement....hats off to her for proving her true, raw, and natural hunting talent and great personality. 



She is a product of two accomplished and compelling Drahthaars:

Cedar in Badlands.jpg
Cyrus vom Flooded Timber.jpg

Cedar vom Brandherd 11/11 and Cyrus vom Flooded Timber 10/11

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